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Vanessa Vanessa vs. Dreah | Download Approx. Run Time 19 min.. Product #: str_SK-318-02 Regular price: $18.90 $18.90

Vanessa vs. Dreah | Download

Women’s Boxing: Amateur
str_SK-318-02 Approx. Run Time 19 min
These eastern pro style wrestling women decide to put on the gloves and discover just how hard boxing can be. First we have two blondes, Vanessa and Dreah, with Vanessa being the heavy. As they feel each other out, Vanessa soon gets the upper hand and delivers pounding stomach punches and stinging face shots to Dreah. They rally back and forth and soon it’s Dreah getting in her shots to Vanessa. With kidney punches, belly punching and face shots. Both girls get knock downs, and the ending in the final round, one fighter delivers a devastating uppercut right on the button of her opponent and she is flat out, KO’d on the mat, ending her for the day. Amateur women`s boxing from Steel Kittens.


Wrestlers : Vanessa
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Vanessa vs. Dreah | Download
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Mem. Download: $17.00